Cell Balancing using a Genetic Algorithm¶
Problem Statement¶
- Our study has a global "Audience" (demographic) set that needs to be fulfilled.
- We have a limited number of Highlighters.
- In our study, we have Cells (pairing of instructions <-> audience)
- It's possible for the audiences of each Cell to overlap.
- We therefore have a constraint satisfaction problem. Given a finite list of Highlighters, how do we distribute those Highlighters to Cells so that we maximize our distribution and minimize our chance of not being able to fill one of the Cells?
Defining Classes and Configuration:¶
In [13]:
import random
class Highlighter:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.assignable_buckets = []
def __str__(self):
return f"Highlighter: {self.name}, assignable_buckets: {self.assignable_buckets}"
# Buckets are what we need to fill.
class Bucket:
def __init__(self, name, percent_fillable, fill_goal):
self.name = name
# How many of the available Highlighters can fit into this bucket
self.percent_fillable = percent_fillable
self.highlighters = []
# How many Highlighters are needed to fill that bucket
self.fill_goal = fill_goal
def score(self):
return 1
# Things to configure
buckets = [
Bucket("A", 20, 10),
Bucket("B", 20, 20),
Bucket("C", 60, 30),
Bucket("D", 30, 30),
Bucket("E", 10, 10),
highlighters = [Highlighter(f"H_{i:03d}") for i in range(NUM_HIGHLIGHTERS)]
# Configure randomly which Highlighters can be assigned to which buckets
for bucket in buckets:
fillable = bucket.percent_fillable / 100.0
num_highlighters_to_assign = int(NUM_HIGHLIGHTERS * fillable)
hlers_to_add_bucket_to = random.sample(highlighters, num_highlighters_to_assign)
for h in hlers_to_add_bucket_to:
for h in highlighters:
# filter out highlighters that have no possible assignment
highlighters = [h for h in highlighters if len(h.assignable_buckets) > 0]
Highlighter: H_000, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_001, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_002, assignable_buckets: ['B', 'C', 'E'] Highlighter: H_003, assignable_buckets: ['D'] Highlighter: H_004, assignable_buckets: ['B', 'C'] Highlighter: H_005, assignable_buckets: ['B', 'C'] Highlighter: H_006, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_007, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'B'] Highlighter: H_008, assignable_buckets: ['B', 'C'] Highlighter: H_009, assignable_buckets: ['B', 'C'] Highlighter: H_010, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_011, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_012, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_013, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_014, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_015, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_016, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'C', 'D', 'E'] Highlighter: H_017, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_018, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_019, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'D'] Highlighter: H_020, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_021, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_022, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_023, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D', 'E'] Highlighter: H_024, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_025, assignable_buckets: ['B', 'C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_026, assignable_buckets: ['D'] Highlighter: H_027, assignable_buckets: ['A'] Highlighter: H_028, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'C'] Highlighter: H_029, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_030, assignable_buckets: ['D', 'E'] Highlighter: H_031, assignable_buckets: ['B', 'C'] Highlighter: H_032, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'B'] Highlighter: H_033, assignable_buckets: ['B', 'C'] Highlighter: H_034, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_035, assignable_buckets: ['A'] Highlighter: H_036, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_037, assignable_buckets: ['D'] Highlighter: H_038, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_039, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_040, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'D'] Highlighter: H_041, assignable_buckets: ['B'] Highlighter: H_042, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_043, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_044, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_045, assignable_buckets: ['B', 'C'] Highlighter: H_046, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_047, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_048, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_049, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_050, assignable_buckets: ['E'] Highlighter: H_051, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'C', 'E'] Highlighter: H_052, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_053, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'C'] Highlighter: H_054, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_055, assignable_buckets: ['B', 'C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_056, assignable_buckets: ['B'] Highlighter: H_057, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_058, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'E'] Highlighter: H_059, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_060, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'B', 'C'] Highlighter: H_061, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_062, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'B'] Highlighter: H_063, assignable_buckets: ['D'] Highlighter: H_064, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_065, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_066, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_067, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'E'] Highlighter: H_068, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_069, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_070, assignable_buckets: ['B', 'C'] Highlighter: H_071, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'C', 'E'] Highlighter: H_072, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'C'] Highlighter: H_073, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_074, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_075, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'E'] Highlighter: H_076, assignable_buckets: ['A'] Highlighter: H_077, assignable_buckets: ['B'] Highlighter: H_078, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_079, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_080, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_081, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_082, assignable_buckets: ['D'] Highlighter: H_083, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_084, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_085, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_086, assignable_buckets: ['C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_087, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_088, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_089, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_090, assignable_buckets: ['B', 'C', 'D'] Highlighter: H_091, assignable_buckets: ['C'] Highlighter: H_092, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_093, assignable_buckets: ['D'] Highlighter: H_094, assignable_buckets: ['A', 'B'] Highlighter: H_095, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_096, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_097, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_098, assignable_buckets: [] Highlighter: H_099, assignable_buckets: ['D']
Visualizing the Buckets¶
In [14]:
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create a graph
G = nx.Graph()
# Add highlighters as nodes
for highlighter in highlighters:
G.add_node(highlighter.name, type='highlighter')
bucket_colors = {}
for bucket in buckets:
color = (random.random(), random.random(), random.random()) # Random RGB color
bucket_colors[bucket.name] = color
G.add_node(bucket.name, type='bucket', color=color)
for highlighter in highlighters:
if bucket.name in highlighter.assignable_buckets:
G.add_edge(highlighter.name, bucket.name)
# Draw the graph
# pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
# pos = nx.circular_layout(G)
# pos = nx.spectral_layout(G)
pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G)
node_types = nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'type')
node_sizes = [500 if node_types[node] == 'bucket' else 10 for node in G.nodes] # Larger size for buckets
node_colors = [bucket_colors[node] if node_types[node] == 'bucket' else 'blue' for node in G.nodes]
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=False, node_color=node_colors, node_size=node_sizes)
Defining a Fitness Function¶
Our fitness function needs to somewhat accurately define what a "good" assignment is.
"Good" means:
- High percentage of filled buckets
In [15]:
import statistics
# Fitness function that just optimizes for
# total percentage of assigned Highlighters
def fitness_1(buckets, assignment):
buckets: []Bucket
assignments: dict {Highlighter: Bucket_Name}
assigned_buckets = list(assignment.values())
fill_ratios = []
for bucket in buckets:
num_filled = sum(1 for assigned_bucket in assigned_buckets if assigned_bucket == bucket.name)
fill_ratios.append(min(num_filled / bucket.fill_goal, 1.0))
return statistics.mean(fill_ratios)
# Same as fitness_1 except it penalizes for overfilling buckets
def fitness_2(buckets, assignment):
buckets: []Bucket
assignments: dict {Highlighter: Bucket_Name}
assigned_buckets = list(assignment.values())
fill_ratios = []
for bucket in buckets:
num_filled = sum(1 for assigned_bucket in assigned_buckets if assigned_bucket == bucket.name)
fill_ratio = num_filled / bucket.fill_goal
if fill_ratio > 1.0:
# Apply penalty for fill ratios greater than 1
penalty = 1.0 - (fill_ratio - 1.0)
return statistics.mean(fill_ratios)
def fitness_3(buckets, assignments):
Calculate the fitness score based on the total number of assigned highlighters divided by the sum of bucket fill goals.
:param buckets: List of Bucket objects
:param assignments: Dictionary mapping Highlighter objects to bucket names
:return: Fitness score
total_assigned_highlighters = len(assignments)
total_fill_goals = sum(bucket.fill_goal for bucket in buckets)
# Avoid division by zero
if total_fill_goals == 0:
return 0.0
# Calculate fitness score
fitness_score = total_assigned_highlighters / total_fill_goals
return fitness_score
Assignment Generation¶
In [16]:
import random
def generate_random_assignment(buckets, highlighters):
Each Highlighter can only be assigned to 1 Bucket.
assignment = {}
for h in highlighters:
# Randomly choose one of the highlighter's assignable buckets
chosen_bucket = random.choice(h.assignable_buckets)
assignment[h] = chosen_bucket
return assignment
assignment = generate_random_assignment(buckets, highlighters)
Weighted Random Assignment - Prioritizes Fill Needs¶
In [17]:
import random
def generate_weighted_assignment(buckets, highlighters):
Generate assignments based on Bucket needs with some degree of randomness.
Each Highlighter can only be assigned to one of its assignable buckets.
assignment = {}
# Dictionary to keep track of total filled per bucket
filled_per_bucket = {bucket.name: 0 for bucket in buckets}
# Calculate total filled per bucket
for h in highlighters:
if h in assignment:
filled_per_bucket[assignment[h]] += 1
for h in highlighters:
# Filter buckets to only include those that are assignable to the highlighter
assignable_buckets = [bucket for bucket in buckets if bucket.name in h.assignable_buckets]
# If there are no assignable buckets, skip assignment for this highlighter
if not assignable_buckets:
# Calculate remaining needs ratios for each bucket
remaining_ratios = [(bucket.fill_goal - filled_per_bucket[bucket.name]) / bucket.fill_goal for bucket in assignable_buckets]
# Calculate weights based on remaining needs ratios
weights = remaining_ratios
# Calculate cumulative weights
cumulative_weights = [sum(weights[:i+1]) for i in range(len(weights))]
# Choose a random number within the total weight
rand_num = random.uniform(0, sum(weights))
# Find the corresponding bucket based on the random number
chosen_bucket = None
for i, cum_weight in enumerate(cumulative_weights):
if rand_num <= cum_weight:
chosen_bucket = assignable_buckets[i]
if chosen_bucket:
assignment[h] = chosen_bucket.name
# Update total filled per bucket
filled_per_bucket[chosen_bucket.name] += 1
assignment[h] = ''
return assignment
assignment = generate_weighted_assignment(buckets, highlighters)
Visualize the Assignment¶
In [18]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def generate_bar_graphs(buckets, assignment):
# Initialize lists to store fill goals and total filled for each bucket
fill_goals = []
total_filled = []
# Iterate over each bucket to gather fill goals and calculate total filled
for bucket in buckets:
total_filled.append(sum(1 for assigned_bucket in assignment.values() if assigned_bucket == bucket.name))
# Create bar graph
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.bar(range(len(buckets)), total_filled, color='blue', label='Total Filled')
plt.plot(fill_goals, color='red', linestyle='--', marker='o', label='Fill Goal')
# Set labels and title
plt.title('Bucket Fill Status')
plt.xticks(range(len(buckets)), [bucket.name for bucket in buckets])
# Show plot
generate_bar_graphs(buckets, assignment)
Determine the Fitness of this Assignment¶
In [19]:
fitness_1(buckets, assignment)
In [20]:
## Average Fitness of Random Assignment
scores = []
for i in range(1000):
assignment = generate_random_assignment(buckets, highlighters)
scores.append(fitness_1(buckets, assignment))
Genetic Algorithm¶
In [21]:
class GeneticAlgorithmRunner:
def __init__(self, buckets, highlighters, mutation_rate=0.01, crossover_rate=0.1, cull_rate=0.1, max_pop=1000, max_epochs=50, fitness_function = fitness_1, generator_algorithm=generate_random_assignment):
self.buckets = buckets
self.highlighters = highlighters
self.assignments = []
self.cull_rate = cull_rate
self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate
self.crossover_rate = crossover_rate
self.max_epochs = max_epochs
self.max_population = max_pop
self.fitness_function = fitness_function
self.generator_algorithm = generator_algorithm
self.population = []
# Generate N random assignments
for i in range(self.max_population):
self.population.append(generator_algorithm(self.buckets, self.highlighters))
# Select some % of fitnesses based on weights
# selected_indices = random.choices(range(len(fitnesses)), weights=weights, k=int(self.cull_rate * len(fitnesses)))
# Selects the top candidates
def cull(self, fitnesses, population):
# Determine the number of individuals to select
num_to_select = int(len(fitnesses) * self.cull_rate)
# Create a list of indices and fitnesses
indexed_fitnesses = list(enumerate(fitnesses))
# Sort by fitness in descending order
indexed_fitnesses.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# Extract the top individuals based on sorted fitness scores
selected_indices = [idx for idx, _ in indexed_fitnesses[:num_to_select]]
# Select the fitnesses and population members by these indices
selected_fitnesses = [fitnesses[i] for i in selected_indices]
selected_population = [population[i] for i in selected_indices]
return selected_fitnesses, selected_population
def increase_population(self):
Increase the current population by breeding - apply mutation and crossover.
# Calculate the number of individuals needed to reach the maximum population size
num_individuals_needed = self.max_population - len(self.population)
original_population = self.population
# Generate new individuals until the population reaches the maximum size
while len(self.population) < self.max_population:
# Select two parents randomly from the current population
parent1, parent2 = random.sample(original_population, 2)
offspring = self.breed(parent1, parent2)
# Add the offspring to the population
# Mutate a given individual's genes
def mutate(self, assignment):
for highlighter, bucket in assignment.items():
if random.random() < self.mutation_rate:
assignment[highlighter] = random.choice(highlighter.assignable_buckets)
return assignment
def crossover(self, assignment1, assignment2):
Perform crossover between two parents to produce a new individual.
:param assignment1: Dictionary representing the assignment of highlighters to buckets for parent 1
:param assignment2: Dictionary representing the assignment of highlighters to buckets for parent 2
:return: Dictionary representing the assignment of highlighters to buckets for the offspring
# Initialize the offspring assignment
offspring_assignment = {}
# Randomly select genes (highlighter-bucket pairs) from each parent
for highlighter in assignment1:
if random.random() < 0.5: # 50% chance to inherit from parent 1
offspring_assignment[highlighter] = assignment1[highlighter]
else: # 50% chance to inherit from parent 2
offspring_assignment[highlighter] = assignment2[highlighter]
return offspring_assignment
def breed(self, assignment1, assignment2):
child_assignment = {}
# Randomly make child a copy of either parent1 or parent2
if random.random() < 0.5:
child_assignment = assignment1
child_assignment = assignment2
# Probability of getting both parent's genes
if random.random() < self.crossover_rate:
child_assignment = self.crossover(assignment1, assignment2)
# Mutate the genes
child_assignment = self.mutate(child_assignment)
return child_assignment
def get_best(self):
Return the highest score of the individuals in the current population.
best_score = float('-inf') # Initialize with negative infinity to find the maximum score
best_assignment = None
# Iterate over each individual in the population
for assignment in self.population:
# Calculate the fitness score for the individual using the provided fitness function
score = self.fitness_function(self.buckets, assignment)
# Update the best score if the current score is higher
if score > best_score:
best_score = score
best_assignment = assignment
return best_assignment, best_score
def run(self):
for i in range(self.max_epochs):
# Evaluate their fitnesses
scores = []
for assignment in self.population:
scores.append(self.fitness_function(self.buckets, assignment))
# Cull the herd (survival of the fittest!)
best_scores, best_assignments = self.cull(scores, self.population)
self.population = best_assignments
# Breed to restore the population
print(f"Epoch: {i}, Best Score: {max(best_scores)}")
if max(best_scores) >= .9999:
In [22]:
# generator_algorithm = random_assignment
fitness_function = fitness_1
generator_algorithm = generate_random_assignment
max_population = 1000
max_epochs = 50
a = GeneticAlgorithmRunner(buckets, highlighters, mutation_rate=0.01, crossover_rate=1.0, fitness_function=fitness_function, generator_algorithm=generator_algorithm, max_pop=max_population, max_epochs=max_epochs)
Epoch: 0, Best Score: 0.8133333333333334 Epoch: 1, Best Score: 0.8266666666666667 Epoch: 2, Best Score: 0.8566666666666667 Epoch: 3, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 4, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 5, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 6, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 7, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 8, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 9, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 10, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 11, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 12, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 13, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 14, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 15, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 16, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 17, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 18, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 19, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 20, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 21, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 22, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 23, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 24, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 25, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 26, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 27, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 28, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 29, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 30, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 31, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 32, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 33, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 34, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 35, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 36, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 37, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 38, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 39, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 40, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 41, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 42, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 43, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 44, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 45, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 46, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 47, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 48, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667 Epoch: 49, Best Score: 0.8766666666666667
In [23]:
assignment, score = a.get_best()
In [24]:
generate_bar_graphs(buckets, assignment)
In [25]:
In [ ]: